Monday, February 28, 2011


Link: The 12 Soil Orders of the World

Georgia's soil is most well-known for it's kaolin clay production. It is also rich in marble, barite and bauxite. (Georgia Soil and Rock content)

As far as the soil orders goes, there is an abundance in ultisols, inceptisols, and alfisols.
(Georgia Soil Orders)

Georgia Soil can be rich in clay, hence the redish color to this Georgia soil image sample.

You can identify a soil by its color. Typically, depending on the soils contents, the color and "chroma" can help you identify what type of soil it is. The most commonly used source for soil identification is the Munsell Soil Color Chart (Munsell Soil Chart Online)

The following images are maps of the soil regions in Georgia. Because of the fact that Georgia has both a coastline and a mountain line on either side, the soil types can be very different on either side of the state.

LINK: Soil Texture Dichotomous Key

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