Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This is an image of the route traveled during our geocaching experiment. Each of the angles is where 1 of the 8 total destinations were. After the walk was over, google earth estimated the distance walked at 0.26 miles. I will say that it is slightly more than that, considering that the route I drew on the computer is cutting corners between pinpoints.

Link: Geocaching Website

Geocaching is a fun way to get outside, off your feet, and do some natural environment adventuring. There are geocaches (or destinations with placed objects) all over the world, marked out by GPS. If you're ever in the mood for a real life treasure hunt or just some fun walking around, then geocaching is a cool way of recording your findings. You can even go onto the website I linked to above and blog or post about your findings and see what others had to say about those very same locations! I think going on a neat little geocaching adventure would make for a good date, and maybe, if your smart, you'll make the last destination a romantic one with a Valentine's Day gift waiting. "Tis the season.

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